Your Gran Canaria Booking Terms and Conditions
Updated: 07th December 2019
Introduction and general information
– By means of the following text, the general contracting conditions (hereinafter, the “General Conditions”) that will govern the Internet contracting procedure in which the person responsible for the contractual offer is Your Gran Canaria, S.L. (hereinafter, “YGC”), located in Spain.
– The user or client (hereinafter, the “User” or “the Client”) is informed of these General Contract Conditions, which have been known by the User prior to the start of the contracting procedure. click on the button: “I have read and accept the General Conditions. Order with payment obligation”, undertakes to accept them in full and without any reservation, as well as any particular condition that may exist.
– Through these General Conditions the User is informed that YGC may, at any time and without prior notice, modify the content of these General Conditions and any particular conditions that may exist.
a) Procedures to conclude the contract: within the website you must select the type of product you want, click “your purchase”; the screen will open so you can enter your personal and bank details; You must read and accept the General Contract Conditions; and, once the steps set out are conveniently completed, the hiring process will be completed;
b) Archiving and accessibility of the electronic document: we archive the electronic document in which the contract is formalized. You can access it and we will facilitate it by sending an email to the address that appears as a contact in the clause called: “Identification of the parties”;
c) Identify and correct errors in the data entry: our registration procedure allows you to check and amend the errors before finalizing your registration. Once the hiring process is finished, you can: call the phone indicating at 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or send an email to the address that appears as a contact in the clause called: “Identification of the parties”, to request that the data deemed appropriate be corrected;
d) Language: the language in which the contract will be formalized is Spanish.
Parts Identification
The User is the purchaser of the tourist products offered on the web (hereinafter: “products”) that must be over eighteen (18) years old and have full capacity to act to enter into binding contracts.
The purpose of the General Conditions is to determine the legal conditions applicable to the Internet sale and purchase procedure between YGC and the User to allow the purchase of the products (hereinafter: “the Services”).
Product features
In the YGC electronic commerce environment, the User may purchase various tourist products that will allow him to provide the services contracted. The description of each of them will be obtained by selecting and clicking on the product that interests you.
By purchasing the products, a voucher will be downloaded electronically that will allow you to access the Services offered by the Operator.
Price and availability
The products include the full final price of which it is composed and in which the taxes and any other additional expenses that exist are detailed.
We make every effort to provide you with accurate and complete product information. YGC publishes the information of the different products offered in its online store as up-to-date as possible.
YGC may modify the prices of products whenever it deems appropriate. For this reason, the User, when accessing the web pages containing the prices of YGC products, must ensure that these are the updated version and not an earlier version that your terminal has stored in an internal memory. It is for this reason that when accessing product prices, you agree to click on the “Update” icon. Otherwise, YGC is not responsible for a divergence in the price of the products and will always apply the updated one.
When placing an order and payment it will be interpreted that the User gives his consent to the offer made by YGC and the contract will be deemed perfected.
The order will be made on a binding basis by the User by clicking on the button “I have read and accept the general conditions. Order with payment obligation ”. YGC will send to the User within a maximum period of the twenty-four (24) hours following, by email, a confirmation of his request indicating that he proceeds to place his order which will contain the detail of the contracting made.
In case of incidents or if you have any doubts, YGC offers you the following possibilities to be attended:
Contract execution and duration
Once you have completed the hiring process and paid, you can enjoy the Services purchased.
This contract will last as long as the two (2) parties have to comply with the obligations to which they commit themselves.
YGC acts as an independent intermediary between the end customer user and the Operators. In case of incident, the User must contact YGC to adopt the appropriate solutions.
Data Protection
– With the information we will provide below, YGC wants you to know what is the privacy policy applied to your personal data in these General Conditions.
– YGC meets all the requirements established by current regulations regarding personal data protection and all data under our responsibility are treated in accordance with legal requirements, respecting both technical and organizational security measures that guarantee confidentiality.
– The User agrees that the information and data provided to YGC are real and true.
– We inform you, and you (User) expressly consent, that the personal data you provide us and those that are obtained from your relationship with us will be included in a YGC file or files with the following purposes: (i) Be able to perform maintenance , compliance, development, control and management of your purchase and provide the contracted services. (ii) Advertising: in case you do not object by pointing out the box of opposition to the reception of advertising that appears at the time you provide us with your data, we will understand that you authorize us to be sent to and during our relationship commercial communications to notify you about new services, attraction packages or other products and promotions, own and third parties related to recreational activities by any means including email or similar for what authorizes us to keep your data. (iii) If you provide us with personal data of third parties or give it to us in the future, you guarantee that you will have previously informed you and requested your consent in relation to the extremes set forth herein.
– Data communication: Your data may be processed and / or communicated to third parties for the fulfillment of the legal and / or contractual obligations that may exist. For example, for the purposes set forth and in order to perform the Services, those data that may be accurate may be communicated to the local operator (some countries may have a level of protection not comparable to the European) for which, the User, in case of provide your data, expressly agree that your data may be transferred to said company and from said company to YGC if necessary, for example, for descriptive purposes and not exhaustive, for the purposes of resolving complaints or incidents of the Service.
– For all the above, it will be understood that, in the case of providing us with your data, you expressly authorize us to carry out the processing of your data in accordance with the above.
Intellectual and industrial property rights
– All intellectual and industrial property rights used or incorporated in connection with the Service are the property or license of YGC or the Operators.
– Reproduction, editing or manipulation of products is prohibited.
Exclusion of Liability
– YGC declines any type of responsibility that could be derived by an incorrect use by the Internet users of the web and the online purchase procedure.
– It also declines any responsibility for possible damages caused by third parties that are not attributable to YGC.
– YGC will not be liable in case there are interruptions of services, delays, errors, malfunction of the service and, in general, other inconveniences that have their origin in causes beyond the YGC control and / or due to a malicious performance or User’s fault, and / or that is caused by force majeure or by chance.
– Regarding the links or hyperlinks external to YGC in the case of those whose connection appears, it will do so for information, not being under the control of YGC and therefore not responding YGC of the information they contain.
Contract Validity
If any of the clauses of these General Conditions were considered null or unenforceable, it will not affect the rest of the clauses, which will remain in force.

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